Read Aloud with Accountable Talk
July 13-14, 2020
Grades 2-8
$275 per person
Virtual Workshop
Read Aloud with Accountable Talk is the heart of the reading workshop. It is in this time each day that we plan to capture the hearts of the readers in our classroom. It is here that we become the models of not only what it is to read a great book, but also what it is to think and talk across a great book in critical ways.
During this TWO DAY workshop, we will take a concentrated look at using accountable talk in your classroom to boost student comprehension and strengthen independent reading skills. We will:
help you know the keys to choosing great books
model and help you explicitly plan a read aloud
provide you with critical talk stems to support growing conversations in your readers
look at how to grow talk into stop and jots as well as beginning "write longs" in the reader's notebook
If you've attended this before....It's time to come again!
New angles of this work include deeper work in Readers' Notebooks, using documentaries, and using media pieces to strengthen student understanding. We will also look more closely at growing work in Readers' Notebooks across the year to strengthen depth of comprehension as well as student writing. Included in this work will be ways to embed clear moments for readers to stop and jot that will transfer to the same kind of work they would do in their independent reading.
Summer 2020: All workshops will be virtual.
Attendees will receive:
log-in procedures prior to first day of workshop.
Zoom meetings scheduled 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. with scheduled breaks.
access to materials.
This workshop qualifies for Title 1 funding.​
Cancellation Policy: Substitutions are allowed at any time; however, refunds are not given.

Writing About Reading
July 15, 2020
Grades 2-8
$200 per person (late registration)
Virtual Workshop
Have you started reader's notebooks with a zealous heart, only to fall off the wagon around the 6th week of school? Come join us for this ONE DAY workshop that focuses on carrying forward the work of writing about reading across the year. Responding to text in a variety of ways is critical for readers to build flexibility in the way they think about text. We will develop ways to help readers respond in open-ended ways across fiction texts, non-fiction texts, and across multiple texts (including media). Strategies to develop the natural progression to longer pieces will be included in this workshop to help readers make strong claims and support their thinking with textual evidence.
Summer 2020: All workshops will be virtual.
Attendees will receive:
log-in procedures prior to day of workshop.
Zoom meetings scheduled 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. with scheduled breaks.
access to materials.
This workshop qualifies for Title 1 funding.​
Cancellation Policy: Substitutions are allowed at any time; however, refunds are not given.

Reading Expository Texts Deeply
July 16, 2020
Grades 2-8
$200 per person (late registration)
Virtual Workshop
We will spend this ONE DAY workshop looking deeply at expository texts as readers and writers. We will look at ways to navigate expository text and cull out important information to understand big ideas and strengthen overall comprehension of non-fiction. We will apply these skills to then support the work of research for students, as well as use mentor texts to give a clear voice and path to writing in an informative way.
Summer 2020: All workshops will be virtual.
Attendees will receive:
log-in procedures prior to day of workshop.
Zoom meetings scheduled 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. with scheduled breaks.
access to materials.
This workshop qualifies for Title 1 funding.
Cancellation Policy: Substitutions are allowed at any time; however, refunds are not given.

Reading Fiction Texts Deeply
July 21, 2020
Grades 2-8
$200 per person (late registration)
Virtual Workshop
In this ONE DAY workshop, we will look at using fiction texts in your classroom in a way to support multiple literacy skillsets in both reading and writing. We will show you how students can gain strong understanding of plot structure in both picture books and chapter books, as well as how to help readers with skills like summarizing, cause & effect, and main idea, to mention a few. Understanding plot structure is the most basic of work when reading fiction and yet it is still one of the most common issues that challenge many readers. Additionally, we will look at using plot to lift the quality of narrative writing.
Summer 2020: All workshops will be virtual.
Attendees will receive:
log-in procedures prior to day of workshop.
Zoom meetings scheduled 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. with scheduled breaks.
access to materials.
This workshop qualifies for Title 1 funding.
Cancellation Policy: Substitutions are allowed at any time; however, refunds are not given.

Revitalizing Writing Workshop
July 22-23, 2020
Grades K-8
$300 per person (late registration)
Virtual Workshop
This TWO DAY workshop will tighten up the instructional practices in your Writing Workshop. We will spend time looking at:
management structures (specific spaces, places, and materials in your classroom)
mid-workshop teaching points
getting started with goal-setting
Our goal is to send you back to your school with a renewed sense of vigor and excitement to teach writing and wow your students.
Summer 2020: All workshops will be virtual.
Attendees will receive:
log-in procedures prior to first day of workshop.
Zoom meetings scheduled 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. with scheduled breaks.
access to materials.
This workshop qualifies for Title 1 funding.​
Cancellation Policy: Substitutions are allowed at any time; however, refunds are not given.