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Creating a Writing Culture in the Classroom

Colorful Book Spines

JUNE 14 and 15, 2023

Grades K-6

Price:  $320 (late registration)


Tomball Event Center

20235 Cypress Rosehill Rd.

Tomball, TX 77377


What does it mean to be a writer?  All writers would

probably agree that these things are essential in their workflow;  ideas, time, feedback, mentor support and materials. This TWO DAY workshop will help teachers develop structures in their classrooms to support their writers with those things in mind.  We will address management structures (specific places, spaces, and materials in your classroom) and planning explicit mini-lessons - management and content (ideas, sentence structure, grammar, spelling, etc). The mornings will start together as one large group and in the afternoons we will have breakout sessions for K-2 and 3-6.




This workshop qualifies for Title 1 funding.

Make checks payable to Koesel Consulting.

Cancellation Policy:  Substitutions are allowed at any time; however, refunds are not given.


All workshops begin at 8:30 a.m. and conclude at 3:30 p.m.  Plan to arrive between 8:10 and 8:20 to sign in, pick up materials, and find seating.  If you are expecting a large group from your school, it is a good idea to come early if sitting together is important to you. Dress comfortably and you may want to add layers...buildings can be really cold.

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